The Briggs Lake chain of lakes includes Briggs, Julia, Rush and Big Elk lakes near Clear Lake in Sherburne County, Minnesota.
To promote the care, improvement and general welfare of the Briggs Lake Chain and adjoining and connecting waterways.
Download our Vision:
Our goal is to improve the water quality and habitat of the lake as well as striving to keep our neighborhoods safe and secure.
Download our “welcome” publication:
Two general meetings are held each year on the second Saturday of June at Palmer Park with a picnic and the second Saturday of August at Palmer Town Hall with an Ice Cream Social.
Board and Committees
Our volunteer Board of Directors is composed of four officers and fifteen representatives. We have many active committees doing service projects, social events, and fundraisers. Please see Board of Directors.
BLCA members and donors fund the organization. We are a 501c3 organization, therefore all donations are tax deductible.
We publish a monthly newsletter, THE LAKE REPORT. In addition, we compile and distribute an annual Palmer Community Directory to lake residents.
Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) Control
This program provides control of two aquatic invasive weeds in our lakes: Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) and Curlyleaf Pondweed (CLP).
Lake Improvement District
Funding for a lake association can often be sporadic, so residents petitioned Sherburne County to form the Three Lake Improvement District (TLID), a government unit, which includes Briggs, Julia and Rush lakes. As a result, this enables consist funding and management to maintain and improve these lakes. Please see Three Lake LID (TLID).